Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) - Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS)
FESEM: FEI Nova NanoSEM 450
EDS:Bruker XFlash 6I30
- FESEM: Ultra High Resolution low voltage imaging and unique low vacuum capabilities.
- Resolution:1.0 nm at15kV, 1.4 nm at 1kV &1.8 nm at 3kV and 30Pa
- In-lens TLD, SE and BSE detection.
- Equipped with Load lock (Quick Loader).
- EDS EDS EDS EDS: Excellent energy resolution (123 eV at Mn Kα and 45eV at C Kα) & element detection range from 4 Be to 95Am.
- Sample requirement: Powder, thin films, liquid samples by fixation on conducting surface.
- Software: FESEM: xT microscope Control EDS: Espirit 1.9
- Sputter Coater facility with sources Pt, Au, Cr and C
- Applications: Microscopic feature measurements, Surface morphology, qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis, elemental mapping
- In charge: Prof. S.W.Gosavi
Contact: 020 - 25622710
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Charges for FESEM-EDS Analysis: