Single Crystal X’Ray Diffractometer
Not Working
- Cu Kα- microfocus, Mo Kα- Fine focus
- Kappa (4 circle) with xyz goniometer head
- Air cooled Photon 100 CMOS detector (have active area of 10cm × 10cm)
- Oxford Cryostream 700 plus low temperature device, Kryoflex II temperature range < 90 K to 400 K
- Sample requirement: Single Crystal (organic/ inorganic, co-crystal, polymorphs)
- Software: Bruker Smart Apex2
- Applications: Molecular structure determination at atomic level with stereochemistry, polymorphic study.
- In charge: Prof. A.S. Kumbhar
Contact: 020 - 25622708
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Charges for Single Crystal Analysis: